Accessible Customer Service Policy

Fines Lincoln is dedicated to fostering a healthy and positive environment that respects the personal worth of each member of the Dealership Community -- Team Members, Customers, Vendors, Contractors. Fines Lincoln is committed to ensure that our store is barrier-free: free of attitudinal, communication, physical, technological, and procedural barriers.

In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Ontario Regulation 429/07, Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Fines Lincoln is committed to providing a working and learning environment that is accessible and inclusive to all persons who work, purchase goods and services, provide third party services or visit the Dealership.

Components of the policy

Components of the policy : Communication with Persons with Disabilities

Communication with Persons with Disabilities

When communicating with a person with a disability, the Dealership will do so in a manner that takes into account the person's disability. The Dealership commits to provide training on customer service to all current and future employees.

Components of the policy : Notice of Planned or Unplanned Disruption in Services and Facilities

Notice of Planned or Unplanned Disruption in Services and Facilities

In the event of a service disruption at the Dealership, it is the responsibility of individual department areas to take reasonable steps to report such disruption in a timely fashion through appropriate channels (the store's website, physical postings (temporary signage), etc.) Notice must be conspicuous and indicate any alternatives that exist to allow access to persons with disabilities during the disruption.

Components of the policy : Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology

Personal assistive technologies are permitted and unrestricted in all areas of the Dealership, except when subject to operator safety and Dealership integrity. The Dealership will train, on an ongoing basis, current and future Team Members in the use of various assistive devices and related policies.

Components of the policy : Service Animals

Service Animals

Persons with a disability who are accompanied by a service animal may access Fines Lincoln, if the public has access to such premises and the animal is not otherwise excluded by law. If a service animal is excluded by law, the Dealership will ensure that alternate means are available within reasonable time and location to provide persons with a disability access to the Dealership's services.

Components of the policy : Support Persons

Support Persons

The dealership welcomes employees, customers and visitors who are accompanied by a support person, when the support person has been hired or chosen by the person with a disability to accompany them.


Feedback about the delivery of services to persons with disabilities is welcomed, as it supports Fines Lincoln's continuous improvement. Such feedback may be by telephone, in person, in writing or by delivering an electronic text via email, or otherwise. Where possible, feedback will be addressed immediately. Some feedback may, however, require more effort and time to address. Feedback may be provided directly to the Dealership concerned and/or to:

  • Mail to: Fines Lincoln Sales & Service Ltd, PO Box 760 Bolton, ON L7E 5T5 Attn.: Katie Fines
  • Direct Line: 905-857-1252 x401
  • Email:


The Dealership shall provide training on AODA customer service to all current employees and, in particular, to those providing services and who are involved in the development and approval of customer service policies, procedures and practices.

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